I am a coach, consultant, and researcher with a focus on mental well-being.

More about me

Coaching and Consulting

For over 15 years, I have been supporting individuals in organizations in their development and collaboration. As a coach and consultant, I focus on topics such as leadership development, team development, and mental health in the workplace.

I am trained in mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and integrate mindfulness into my work. Mindfulness enables a deep understanding of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Through greater awareness, we can break out of reactive cycles and thereby enhance not only our own well-being but also that of others.

Selection of organisations I have worked with: Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes, Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim, Boston Consulting Group, Brose, Canterbury Schools, Claas, Coaching Center Berlin, Daimler, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Personalentwicklung, door2door, Fairtrade International, Glaxo Smith Kline, Europäisches Patentamt, Infineon, Institut für Kommunikation & Führung Luzern, John Deere, Lanxess, Lufthansa, Novartis, Otis, Phoenix Contact, Roche, Sparkasse, Stiftung Haus der kleinen Forscher, Telekom, Wagner Group, Zeiss, Zentis.

“It’s not the programmes that lead to change but what people make of it.”

— Ray Pawson (Scientific Realism)


As a researcher, I evaluate interventions in the field of mental health, using the approach of Scientific Realism. My goal is not only to measure whether an intervention works or not but to understand what makes it successful, under which conditions. I was trained as a Realist Researcher during my doctoral studies at the University of Oxford (UK) under the supervision of Geoff Wong.

During my doctoral studies, I evaluated mindfulness programs for stress and well-being in the workplace.

Since 2023, I have been involved as a Realist Researcher in an international research project conducted in collaboration with the University of Alberta (CA).